Coming Soon
The RV Show, very exciting but what is an “RV”, well it can mean truck camper, tent trailer, travel trailer, 5th wheel, Class A, B, C Motorhome. But RV really stands for Real Vacation. RVs of every type, designed for family activities, large or small. “Real” experiences, many vacations are too artificial with facades, lights action and staged entertainment. Manufactured experiences like roller coaster rides etc. RV adventures are real, outdoor activities like hiking, fishing, biking or just sitting around a campfire talking and making Smores. Real Value, in that you can use it many times over. It's your home in the parking lot for tail-gating at the game. Short weekend trip getaways that can be spontaneous, Standard vacation to a destination without the challenges of flying, long lines and minimal travel items. Or the extended vacation/retirement where you can travel the great United States with everything you need on your own timeline. Also, the spare living area for guests that gives them their own “space”. RV = Adventures, huge variety of RVs means huge variety of adventures. If you are searching for a new camper, motorhome, towable RV, or boat, start your journey with us at the next Cal Expo RV Show. We will bring together the best RV dealers to showcase their latest models. You can explore dozens or different brands and options in one place and find your perfect vacation paradise. Looking to explore vacations on land and at sea? We've got you covered, because this year we will have a wide selection of boats as well as RVs. Wakeboarders, fishing, cruising, runabouts, and personal watercraft...PLUS, ATVs GALORE!
Dates and Times:
To Be Determined
- General Admission – $15
- Kids Under 12 – FREE
- Special Admission – Uniformed 1st Responders & Military w/ID FREE
- General Admission – $15
- Kids Under 12 – FREE
- Special Admission – Uniformed 1st Responders & Military w/ID FREE
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Factory Reps
Factory reps will be on hand for Show Only Discounts!

Banks will be on hand with Show Only Finance rates